Automation: Is that science fiction? Who doesn't know it, “Beam me up, Scotty” from the Star Trek series. A series that takes place in the future.
Automation. Is that a must?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. For one business yes, for another not.

At TEF Digitaal we also deal with automation on a daily basis. And is that science fiction or realistic? I must honestly admit that sometimes questions asked by customers are far removed from reality and are quickly labeled as science fiction. But the IT world moves so fast that yesterday’s question can be relevant today and then suddenly no longer become science fiction. That is why we keep a close eye on all developments.
In recent years it has become very clear that automation will not be a success for every company. First of all, it must be possible to automate processes within a company and then also examine the culture of the company to see whether automation is possible. Are the various departments able to adapt to the automation process within the strict structure? Even if there is just one department that is out of line, this affects the entire automation process and makes work almost impossible. This is often, if at all, thought about in advance.
The current times require everyone in the business community to innovate, and we at TEF Digitaal also participate in this. Every day, our people and partners search the digital world for useful and deployable applications to automate and accelerate processes.
As described earlier, there is a lot to consider when it comes to automation. It is much more than just linking different data streams. Sometimes it is wise to hire an external person to investigate/see whether certain processes within the company can be improved or even simplified. We can assist and help with this, our experience in automation processes of various data flows is enormous, so why not make use of it. Please feel free to contact us without obligation. After an intake interview, if necessary, an extensive and non-binding quotation/report will be provided consisting of a brief analysis, action plan, checkpoints, time schedule and cost description. After approval, we will immediately start working according to the time schedule.