Our vision has been clear for years, it is not about volume, but how smartly you can use existing options.
Especially after the recent developments within our company, it has become even more of a priority to seek collaboration with partners who ensure that we can (continue to) develop and offer options, applications and solutions to our customers.
For example, we will soon release a major update to our PartsPIM program and the Cloud service and hosting will move to a new data center that will be under the technical management of a new partner of ours, 2makeITwork from Barendrecht. They have also been managing a number of API connections for us between PartsPIM and King software and Japak for the past six months.

Linking with API, that’s the magic word!
We realize all too well that some of the data managed in PartsPIM must be used worldwide. That is why we are constantly looking for partners who specialize in this, because we cannot keep all the balls in the air ourselves. We have stated it before, we are not an office filler (read Our Vision), for us it is not a must to set up an entire department, no, work together and ensure that everyone reaches their potential, that is where we want to look for solutions.

That is why we are happy to officially announce that 2 weeks ago we were able to instruct the APICENTER to integrate PARTS-PIM with their system. The reason? With this collaboration, PARTS-PIM can be directly linked to more than 80 external programs and the range of links available will continue to grow in the coming years. This way, customers will soon be able to create, manage and create all connections themselves. Of course we can and will help you with this if there is a need, no problem. The APICENTER will also play an active role in this guidance. Your data will be transferred even more easily to the external programs of your choice.
Visit their website to look around at the options: https://apicenter.io/nl/.
Furthermore, you enter into a contract with the APIcenter yourself, we will not charge any additional costs for the use of the PartsPIM API connection. How many connections you create or use is no longer important to us, only one thing matters: distributing your data from PartsPIM as widely as possible.
In this way, all our attention, energy and strength can be invested in further developing and expanding PARTS-PIM in the coming years. More news about that soon.